5 Reasons Why Working Over the Holiday Isn’t So Bad
Are you stuck in the lab over the holiday break? Is everyone talking about their holiday plans and you are getting a bit jealous? Well don’t be a Grinch about it. Here are some reasons why working over the holiday isn’t so bad:
1. You get the lab to yourself.
This rarely happens, so blast that music and enjoy yourself. You can be most productive when not distracted by others.
2. You will have extra time to produce some data.
You never want to be in the crosshairs of your supervisor for under-performing, so use this time to get ahead of the pack.
3. It’s cheap!
No flight home or gifts for the extended family to buy. Use this slight windfall to treat yourself to the expensive coffee!
4. You can use these vacation days later!
Vacation in grad school is poorly defined, but use this as a bargaining chip when asking for two complete weeks off during the summer. That’s the time when you will want to be anywhere else but in the dark windowless lab.
5. You won’t gain Christmas weight!
It may be a small consolation prize, but not sitting around eating chocolates and turkey for a week will keep you svelte.
Now make the best of it! Oh, and Happy Holidays!
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