This Day in Science June 17th 1950 - First kidney transplant
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This Day In Science June 17, 1950 – First Successful Kidney Transplant

On June 17th 1950 Dr. Richard Lawler performed the first successful kidney transplant. The recipient was Ruth Tucker, a 44-year-old woman who had polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

PKD is a genetic disorder that causes the development of multiple fluid-filled cysts typically in both kidneys. Tucker had watched her sister and mother die of the same condition.



A transplant was risky but the only real option for survival for Tucker, as dialysis was not yet widely available. The donor kidney was removed from a patient who had died of cirrhosis of the liver.

“Not the most ideal patient, but the best we could find,” said Dr. Lawler after the surgery. The transplant surgery was quick, and 45 minutes after removal of the kidney from the donor the operation was complete. Tucker was released from the hospital a month later.


Dr. Richard Lawler, Dr. James West, and Dr. Raymond Murphy

The kidney functioned for at least 53 days, but it was removed 10 months after the surgery as it had been rejected. This transplant was conducted well before the development of immunosuppressant drugs and tissue typing which would have helped prevent organ rejection.

Ruth Tucker had PKD in both of her kidneys, leaving one non-functioning and the other functioning at 10%. The donor kidney gave her body the chance to resume normal kidney function, therefore when the donor kidney was removed, Ruth was able to live another 5 years with her one remaining kidney. She died in 1955 from coronary artery disease which was unrelated to PKD and her organ transplant.

Dr. Richard Lawler never performed another transplant, saying that he “just wanted to get it started”.

Have you considered being an organ donor? Find out more about organ donation in your area:

United States

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7 responses to “This Day In Science June 17, 1950 – First Successful Kidney Transplant”

  1. Owuamanam Leonard Emeka says:

    Great work. It’s emotional to read about the first successful kidney transplant. New hope for those suffering from renal diseases. 17th June is Renal Transplantation Day

  2. rinshaz says:

    UNOS matches organ donors and recipients. Patients needing a transplant are ranked according to medical urgency, blood and tissue type, expected benefit, waiting time, and geography. Priority is given to pediatric patients and living organ donors, such as patients who donated a kidney and whose remaining kidney is failing.

  3. Dr.Hardev Singh Bhatyal says:

    I am a kidney transplant urologist .I salute to the team and hospital for showing the path to enumerable professionals in the field of organ transplantation .17th of June be celebrated as International “Renal Transplant Day”.Happy to share that I performed my 1st successful kidney transplant on 17th June 1991 , first case for Indian Armed forces.Most memorable co-incidence

  4. M ODonnell says:

    Patrick H. McNulty MD was the urologist on the team. I do not see any mention of his name.

  5. Prof. Dr. M.S. Bhatt, says:

    I am a Retired Prof and head of general surgery and trained in urology. My salute to the team and the hospital. They have raised a hope of life in millions of people by their dare devil work. I strongly feel that 17th June be celebrated as International ‘Renal transplant day’.

  6. Shamshad Ali says:

    Great day.

  7. Rajendra Palsaniya says:

    Thanks giving information about it

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