Handling Instructions | Tau Proteins

Product Name Tau Protein (Monomers, Oligomers, Pre-formed Fibrils, Filaments)
Storage Conditions Monomers, Oligomers, unsonicated Pre-formed Fibrils or Filaments: -80ºC; 1 year+

Sonicated Pre-formed Fibrils: -80ºC; 8 weeks

Freeze/Thaw Cycles 2 freeze/thaw cycles maximum
Thawing Conditions Pre-formed Fibrils, Oligomers and Filaments: 37ºC

Monomers: on ice or at 4ºC

Storage (Thawed Protein) Pre-formed Fibrils, Oligomers and Filaments: Room temperature. Do not store pre-formed fibrils or filaments on ice or at 4ºC; Pre-formed fibrils and filaments are unstable at 4ºC and will degrade rapidly. Pre-formed Fibrils, oligomers and filaments are stable at room temperature and can be kept on the bench when setting up experiments.

Monomers: On ice or at 4ºC. Monomers may start to aggregate if left at room temperature or 37ºC for prolonged amounts of time.

Mixing/Pipetting Pre-formed Fibrils are in suspension and should be vortexed briefly and pipetted up and down immediately before use to ensure homogeneity.

Monomer and oligomer preps are in solution and should be pipetted up and down after thawing to ensure homogeneity.

Filaments are a mixed population of soluble and insoluble material and should be vortexed briefly and pipetted up and down immediately before use to ensure homogeneity.

For best results, Pre-formed Fibrils and filaments should be sonicated immediately prior to use. Mixing/pipetting is also needed before and after sonication to ensure homogeneity. Sonication is not necessary for monomers and oligomers.
Safety Appropriate laboratory attire: gloves, face mask (VWR, 414004-670), and protective goggles for all work involving fibrils, especially where aerosols may be created (for example during probe sonication). Clean any spills with a solution of 10% bleach or 10% SDS in water.