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Top 10 Neuroscience Jokes

Need a pick-me-up after another week working in the lab? Here are our top 10 favorite neuroscience jokes that are sure to give you a laugh and impress your nerdy colleagues.

1. Why did the neuron like to sleep in the top bunk bed?


Because it wanted to have a high resting potential.


2. If some of Fred Flintstone’s neurotransmitters could talk, what would they say?fred2




3. Why was the neuron sent to the principal’s office?


It had trouble controlling its impulses.


4. Why didn’t the brain want to take a bath?brainwash2


It didn’t want to be brainwashed.


5. What is a neuron’s favorite television channel? 


The Ion Channel.


6. What do you call a group of brains who form a singing group?glee-confused


A glia club.


7. Why does the spinal cord belong in the brass section of an orchestra?


Because it has dorsal and ventral horns.


8. What does a brain do when it sees a friend across the street?brainwave2


It gives a brain wave.


9.How did the mother know her son would become a neuroanatomist?


He was always staining things.


10. What kind of fish performs brain surgery?


A neurosturgeon.


And last but not least, a bonus joke made just for StressMarq:

What do you call a Tyrannosaurus under stress? A “Nervous Rex”

For some extra laughs, check out “Neuroscientist Ryan Gosling”.


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2 responses to “Top 10 Neuroscience Jokes”

  1. hannah says:

    you know what gets on my nerves?

    myelin sheath

  2. Jim Lamb says:

    I find them funny; yet unique too.

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